Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 1 = 7 Trucks

The first day of dredging was not record setting in terms of production, but it was a welcomed start.  A total of 7 truckloads of silt were hauled to the driving range in a little over 90 minutes.  This is in no way the output we are hoping for, but it gives us a good gauge on what we have to do to meet our goals.  The trucks currently used to haul the silt hold 7 cubic yards of silt.  Within the next week or so we will have 2 larger trucks brought in that can carry 30 cubic yards each.  Bring on the heavy equipment!

Here is the picture of what 7 truckloads or 49 cubic yards of silt look like on the Driving Range!
We only have 19,951 cubic yards to go!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dredging Begins! Finally!!!!!!!

All of the permits are in hand and all of the requirements have been satisfied to start dredging!  Let's start seeing some mud fly!  Everyone in the grounds department(and I am sure the membership as well) is glad to start our Dredging Project and Driving Range Renovation.  We have been held up a few weeks because of wet weather and permitting issues, but have finally be released to work.  After discussing the current state of the project with the Dredging Company, we are very confident that given dry weather we can catch up for the days lost.  Thank you for checking out our new blog and please stay tuned for more updates throughout the project!


Mark Hayes
Grounds Superintendent