Thursday, April 19, 2018

New Forward Tee on #7 Overlook!

Last week we finally got around to removing the last remaining "old style" bunker from #7 Overlook.  This first bunker was on the right immediately after you cross the bridge while playing the hole.  This bunker creates a funnel for carts creating a path between the bridge and the bunker, and is always a hard area to keep grass alive.  When doing the bunker renovation this winter we did not touch this bunker, with full intention that our crew would fill it in this spring and create a much better cart entry.  As you can see in the picture below, the bunker played very short for the hole and is only typically a hazard for high handicap golfers.

This photo was taken last November, 2017, before the Bunker Renovation started.

Our Staff on Monday started to cut sod around the bunker to try and save what we could.  Once all the grass was removed we flatted out a few areas and filled in the bunker with soil.  After a lot of tracking and compacting the soil down smooth, it was time to sod the area .  

After we finished filling in the old bunker, it was time to build a new forward tee!  We took the advantage of a dry week and really got a lot accomplished!  The pictures below show the development of the new tee surface!

You can see in this picture versus the top picture of this post that we made some changes for sure!