Tuesday, January 26, 2016

When CPO Please Stay CPO!

While driving around the course early this morning I noticed a site that pains me inside.  During the day on Sunday while people were enjoying a round of golf, someone took it upon themselves to cut across #10 fairway.  It was apparent whoever did the damage was driving from the right side trees in the rough on #10, and drove across the fairway to connect to the cart path on the left side of the golf hole.  This caused a very unsightly mud track all the way across the fairway.  Please take a look at the pictures below to see the damage:

This is the exact reason we say Cart Path Only when the conditions are wet.  We try to be as forgiving as possible and let people go 90 degrees with the carts as much as possible, but when we must be Cart Path Only please help us out and stay on the Cart Path Only!

Here is another person who was too lazy to stay on the cart path after coming down the right hand side of #10.  Notice the 3 different low areas they drove through and the mud tracks left behind for over 50 yards!  Next time you play golf and the conditions are wet please be careful and stay on the cart path!  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Insulation

We have finally completed the project of replacing the insulation in the Grounds building.  What an improvement in looks from what we had in the past.  The old insulation lasted 25 years, but was destined to be replaced after much wear and tear.  Take a look at the pictures and see how nice and clean it looks now!

First this is how it looked before:

Now here it is in the process of being completed.  It is very easy to see the difference before and after:

What a great investment and upgrade in our facilities!  

Friday, January 15, 2016

Stocking the Pond!

Today was a very exciting and different day on the golf course.  Because we dredged and restored our lake on holes #3 and #13, the Club was eligible to receive fish from the Georgia DNR for a very cheap fee to help re-stock our lake.  We had a crew member drive to Summerville, GA to pick up a few hundred Bass, Bluegill, and Catfish.  Once we got the fish to the lake we had to add a few gallons of  lake water to each can for the fish to get acclimated. We then released them into the pond so they can grow and reproduce!  Let's hope they survive and help fill the pond with fish in the coming years to help restore the ecosystem!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Early Budding!

It has been so abnormally warm and wet the last few weeks that some plants around the golf course have been fooled into thinking it is Spring already.  These magnolias pictured below are growing between 8 green and 11 white tee box.  These trees are usually some of the earliest bloomers on the course, but we usually see them bloom around the first of March on a typical year.  The pictures were taken on New Years Eve, and you can see how many flowers are already out and looking pretty.  Just another sign that this year is an odd one for weather, and we will more than likely see interesting reactions from the different plants as the next few months pass!