Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Grounds Staff and Thank You for all that you do for us!!!

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

What abnormal weather we have had the past week.  Rainy day after rainy day, and Christmas is going to be an all time record high temperature!  We have received a little more than 2.5 inches so far and there is still more forecast for this evening.  It will unfortunately be Cart Path Only for many days to come!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

New Pin Sheet

We have designed a new pin sheet for daily use and put it into play this weekend on the golf course.  The new sheet is in color, has 5 different hole locations, and is much more detailed than the previous pin sheet.  Take a look at the difference between the new and old:

We hope you enjoy the new, updated pin sheet next time you are enjoying a round of golf!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Beaver has been Captured!

It only took 3 days, and we were able to trap and relocate the Beaver to a different location, far far away from Marietta Country Club.  Thank goodness for one of our very talented employees who knows just how to catch a pesky Beaver!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Meet Buddy!

The new Marietta Country Club golf course dog has finally arrived!  Buddy, who is currently 8 weeks old, started work on Monday.  Being the puppy that he is it's either 100% running wide open, or sound asleep.  He already likes to ride in the cart and can not wait to meet everyone over the next few weeks!  

Heavy Fog!

We had an extremely heavy fog set in this morning, causing for a very unusual scene as the sun came up.  This is a picture standing near the golf shop, and it is hard to see very far past the front of the green!

The Beaver Returns!

Over the last few days we have noticed some suspicious activity around the lake on #3.  The damage appears to be from a beaver that is coming up stream from across New Salem road.  We have seen similar damage before, so we have a good idea how to trap the pest and prevent any further damage.  I will keep you posted on what we find and if we get lucky and catch the perpetrator!

If you look closely at the edge of the pond something has eaten the edge clean for about 1 foot wide.  Notice in the bottom of the picture the grass goes all the way to the water, but as you move up it is bare dirt. This is not very timely since the grass is dormant and will not grow back until next summer!

In the middle of the picture you can see a dirt trail.  This is the "slide" the beaver is using to get from the stream behind #12 green, up over the dam and into the pond.  We will set our traps near this slide

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fixing a Clogged Drain on @ #2 Tee

This Monday our crew took the afternoon to look into a problem that has been giving us fits for a while now.  Every time it rains the drainage basin in the cart path located right beside #2 tee box turns into a big puddle.  This is because the water was not going down the pipe, and would take days to slowly evaporate and drain.  To fix this problem, we used a hose to determine where the clog in the pipe was, and then used our excavator to dig up the pipe and try and solve the problem.  Once we started digging through the clogged area, we noticed the culprit.....Tree Roots!  Take a look a the pictures and you will see where the pipe was going and why there was such an obstruction!

As you can see all of these roots were growing into the pipe because of the constant flow of water inside the pipe.  Over time these roots find small holes and work their way through to get to the water source.  Luckily this area was in a pine bed, and all we had to do was remove the old pipe and replace with new solid pipe.  It works now!