Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mysterious Lines in the Rough

If you have been one of the lucky people who have played golf the last few days,  then you may have seen some interesting looking lines in the rough.  No doubt they are hard to miss, and really are an eye sore compared to how well the course has looked over the last several weeks.  These lines were not caused by the typical hydraulic leak, but by a hot exhaust pipe from a tractor.  This past Monday after our staff mowed the rough there were extreme amount of grass clippings that needed blown off and cleaned.  While doing so, we decided to attach an extra blower to a tractor to help the clean-up process.  This tractor, as later discovered, had an exhaust leak causing the hot air leaving the machine to blow straight down on the ground.  This hot air burned the tips of the grass, causing the look of burnt lines in the turf.  Unfortunately the tractor blew off holes #7 through #18 on the original Marietta side.  Some holes look worse than others, and should not take long to recover.  The damage looks bad, but is not nearly as harmful as a hydraulic leak.  I hope this helps to better answer the question, "What caused the lines in the rough"?  Please take a look at the pictures for some examples of the damage.......

These lines look bad, but should only last a week or two at most.  We are sorry for the problem and have fixed the machine that caused it!